Passover Shelfie + Starter Activities

Passover Shelfie + Starter Activities

My new favorite way to instantly invite my children to explore the upcoming holiday is with a holiday-themed shelfie and since Passover is now just three weeks away, today I set up our Passover Shelfie + Starter Activities! Most of the activities I used were ones we already had around the house, including MANY open …

Tu B'Shevat Interactive Seder Plate Activity

Tu B’Shevat Interactive Seder Plate Activity

It’s always been important for me to engage my kids in understanding the concept of categorizing the foods we eat during a Tu B’Shevat seder so I was excited to put together this Tu B’Shevat Interactive Seder Plate Activity for us to enjoy this year (and in the future!). Not only did the kids have fun painting …