I love creating simple activities with big developmental impacts and this Tu B’Shevat Grape Bead Threading activity totally fit: such a simple concept and set up that allowed for wonderful developmental skills practices. I initially set up this activity for my preschooler, but the toddler and the second grader also joined and had a fun …
Tu B’Shevat Nature Spindle Box
My preschooler has recently shown a big interest in numbers and counting so I thought a wonderful Tu B’Shevat inspired counting activity would be to create a Tu B’Shevat Nature Spindle Box. We are completely play-based over here but if a child shows an interest in something, there is always a way to make it …
Tu B’Shevat Shelfie + Starter Activities
To prepare for all things Tu B’Shevat, we created our Tu B’Shevat Shelfie filled with books, activities and toys related to the holiday. Can you guess how each object connects to the birthday of the trees? We printed out our Tu B’Shevat Reading Challenge Bingo and brought out our Tu B’Shevat Book Box from last …
Dreidel Sensory Tray
One of my kids’ favorite Hanukkah activities is playing dreidel (of course!) so they were really excited to see and play with this Dreidel Sensory Tray! It’s easy to set up, you can add whatever additional Hanukkah or dreidel items that you want, then invite your kids to play and explore to their dreidel delight! …
8 Hanukkah Science Experiments and Exploration
With school out for Thanksgiving break this week, we had lots of time to enjoy some science explorations with our 8 Hanukkah Science Experiments and Exploration. All of these experiments have some connection to a Hanukkah symbol—think potatoes, oil and light. And they are all so simple and most are pretty quick. It made it …
Hanukkah Paint By Number Mural
We have been slow to decorate for Hanukkah this year which is why today’s activity, Hanukkah Paint by Number Mural, is so perfect—it combines one of my kids’ favorite ways to explore art (painting) and becomes a fabulous Hanukkah decoration after it dries! What You’ll Need Kraft paper Tape Sharpie Six colors of washable paint: …
Hanukkah Connect the Symbols Pre-Writing Activity
We had so much fun with our Rosh Hashanah Connect the Symbols Activity that I knew it would not only be an important skill-builder, but also a good time, to do a Hanukkah Connect the Symbols Pre-Writing Activity for my preschooler. This Hanukkah Connect the Symbols Pre-Writing Activity is a wonderful and simple way to …
8 DIY Montessori-Style Toddler Activities with a Hanukkah Twist
This week we had lots of fun creating 8 DIY Montessori-Style Toddler Activities with a Hanukkah Twist! All these activities can be easily made at home, often with recycled materials. They all encourage lots of skill development that is important for your growing toddler. And they all have a Hanukkah twist so that you are …
Dreidel Rescue Sensory Bin
Last year we had so much fun with this simple but effective Dreidel Rescue Sensory Bin that we had to of course do it again this year! This Dreidel Rescue Sensory Bin is a great way to practice our fine motor skills, work on pronouncing and matching colors, and talk about one of the most …
Hanukkah Math Fun
This week we had lots of fun exploring math practice and skills with some fun Hanukkah symbols with our Hanukkah Math Fun. We used the Hanukkah Math Pack printable I made (and which you can download for free!), along with some hands-on Hanukkah fabulous manipulatives. What You’ll Need Hanukkah Math Pack free printable Scissors Glue …