Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, is only a few days away so we have got to get our learning + exploring + celebrating on, starting with our 2024 Yom Ha’atzmaut Shelfie + Starter Activities! This year the Israel as a modern state turns 76 years old. As I discussed with my class and my children, …
DIY Abacus Counting the Omer
This DIY Abacus Counting the Omer is easy to make from materials you have in your house, and is a great tactile way to count the Omer! Counting of the Omer is a special ritual that counts each of the 49 days between the second night of Passover and the holiday of Shavuot. Last night, …
DIY Simple Haggadah
Participating in a Passover seder is a very special part of Passover and I am so thrilled that my kids will be able to use their new DIY Simple Haggadah during our seders this year! Not only is the DIY Simple Haggadah a fabulous learning and review experience in and of itself, it’s also a …
10 Plagues Sensory Bottles
These 10 Plagues Sensory Bottles are a versatile way to learn about and review the plagues as well as engaging in a sensory activity that can also have a regulating effect. Woo hoo, that’s a lot from just one activity! The 10 plagues may be just one part of the Passover Story, but they sure …
Find and Count Queen Esther’s Gems Sensory Bin
If you’re looking for a simple sensory bin that encourages conversations about Purim and practices some math skills, this Find and Count Queen Esther’s Gems Sensory Bin is for you! We love including sensory invitations for all kinds of themes so of course it makes sense to add one (just kidding, we did multiple this …
Make Queen Esther’s Gems
There is a lot to like about Queen Esther but one fun aspect is to assume a queen like her would have some awesome jewels and gems and what better activity than to create our own Make Queen Esther’s Gems to get into the Purim thrill? Combine science, art and fun to create your own …
2024 Purim Shelfie + Starter Activities
This weekend we were all excited to give the playroom a good clean (maybe less excited about that!) and set up our 2024 Purim Shelfie + Starter Activities! Purim is a favorite of the kiddos and they were so excited to see what activities I set up for this year’s kick off. I kept it …
Tikkun Olam Ocean Clean Up Sensory Bin
We had a school holiday today which meant even more time for some fun tikkun olam inspired sensory play with this Tikkun Olam Ocean Clean Up Sensory Bin! The set up was super easy and the kids really enjoyed looking for the pieces of trash and oil that were polluting the water and transferring them …
Tu B’Shevat Seven Species Book
Every year we love exploring the seven species as we learn about Tu B’Shevat and this year I decided we’d make our very own super simple book, our Tu B’Shevat Seven Species Book, to review and remember these special fruits. What You’ll Need Putting It Together Finished & Loving It! There were so many things …
Tu B’Shevat Olive Tree
Olive trees are a wonderful symbol of Israel and Tu B’Shevat, as well as one of the seven species we eat during the holiday of Tu B’Shevat, so we had lots of fun incorporating real olive tree nature bits and pieces to create our special Tu B’Shevat Olive Tree page for our Tu B’Shevat Seven …