Now that it’s November we are all about preparing for Thanksgivukkah in fun and meaningful ways and today we kicked off our learning by playing our Thankful Reading Bingo Challenge! We love starting our holiday learning with all these reading bingo challenges (the links to our other bingo challenges can be found at the bottom …

High Holidays Reading Bingo Challenge
Last Hanukkah we started making Reading Bingo Challenges for each of our holidays as a fun way to engage more deeply with holiday reading and help identify holiday symbols and today we enjoyed using our High Holidays Reading Bingo Challenge! What You’ll Need Putting It Together Print out the High Holidays Reading Bingo Challenge free printable. Start …

Purim Reading Bingo Challenge
If you know us, you know we always kick off holiday preparations by reading our favorite holiday books and have embraced adding a fun game elemental to the reading so here is your Purim Reading Bingo Challenge to play while reading your favorite Purim books! What You’ll Need Purim Reading Bingo Challenge free printable Space …

Tu B’Shevat Reading Bingo Challenge
We love introducing or reviewing a holiday by reading our favorite themed holiday books and this Tu B’Shevat Reading Bingo Challenge is the perfect way to enjoy reading along with a little play! We made a Hanukkah Reading Bingo Challenge this past Hanukkah and it was such a huge hit that it will be our …