Be Your Best Self Rosh Hashanah Process Art combines a simple process art technique with thoughtful reflection perfect for children. It’s no secret that I am obsessed with process art and love including it in many different iterations of children’s activities. Adding a holiday element makes it even more special, and of course topical, for this time of year! Having a photo perfectly captures exactly where your child is this Rosh Hashanah and serves as a priceless keepsake for years to come!

What You’ll Need
- cardboard or canvas
- acrylic paint
- straight edge cardboard or wood
- photo of your child
- paper and pen (or printer) to capture their words. You can use our prompts if you wish!
- glue
Putting It Together
- Have your child choose which acrylic colors they want to use and squeeze medium sized dots along the top of your base.
- Use the straight edge cardboard or wooden piece at an angle to scrape the paint down the base.
- Let the paint dry.
- Remind your child that Rosh Hashanah and Elul are times to think deeply about who you want to be in the coming year. How can they be their very best self in the new year? What do they want to change? What do they want to do better? Write down these thoughts–either they can write them down, you can, or type and print them out. If you want to use our prompts, here they are.
- Cut out the intentions.
- Cut out the photo of your child.
- Glue the photo and intentions on your base.
- Leave out where everyone can admire and also remember these beautiful intentions for how they can be their best selves in 5785!

Finished & Loving It!
This is my favorite Rosh Hashanah activity we’ve done this year. I love how it combines art and also the beautiful words (and smiling faces!!) of my children.

It’s important to me to talk frequently about how we want to do better in the upcoming year. I often provide specific examples and model actions that would make me be a better person. But I love how these prompts are really open-ended and capture my loves exactly where (and who!) they are right now, and who they want to be in the new year.

May we all strive to do better, be better, and make the world better in 5785!

We have a whole page dedicated to the High Holidays, our High Holidays Hub. Check it out! It includes some of the High Holidays activities we do this year, as well as the activities we’ve done in previous years.

New this year!!! I’ve finally made a High Holidays Activities Packet for Early Learners! Like our other holiday activities packets, this packet is over 100 pages, filled with so many amazing literacy, math, fine motor skill, play, and just plain fun activities! This would be a wonderful addition to your child’s High Holiday learning experience!

And don’t forget our Rosh Hashanah Montessori-Style 3 Part Cards, our Yom Kippur Montessori-Style 3 Part Cards, or the High Holidays Montessori-Style 3 Part Card Bundle, all a wonderful way to introduce High Holidays!

The following sites are amazing resources for learning more about this holiday:
Chag Sameach!!
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Hi Ima I love your blog, will we have more posts for Purim and Passover this year?