Ginger Apricot Cardamom Hamantaschen With Crystallized Ginger Curls

Ginger Apricot Cardamom Hamantaschen With Crystallized Ginger Curls

With Purim just a few days away I wanted to create a new tasty hamantaschen treat that would fit with my Spice Up Your Pandemic Purim Mishloach Manot theme and after I tried these Ginger Apricot Cardamom Hamantaschen With Crystallized Ginger Curls I was totally in love! I hope you like them too! Making the …

Make Vashti, Courage, and Consent Part of Your Discussion and Activities This Purim

Make Vashti, Courage, and Consent Part of Your Discussion and Activities This Purim

One of the themes of Purim is the revealing of something hidden. As educators and parents, we often sum up this theme as Esther revealing her Jewish identity that she had kept secret from her husband, King Ahasuerus. This revealing saved the Jews of Persia. The focus of what Vashti revealed is usually not discussed …