Dinosaur Challah Platter

Shabbatsaurus Challah Platter

No Shabbatasaurus, a dinosaur-themed Shabbat, would be complete without a very special Shabbatasaurus Challah Platter! This challah platter is dino-fabulous and also captures your kiddos’ handprints. I’m a total sucker for handprint (and thumbprint and footprint!) crafts. It’s 99.9% kid-made and 110% kid-approved! What You’ll Need Platter or plate. Check that your plate can go …

The Joys of Turning Everyday Objects into Judaica

The Joys of Turning Everyday Objects Into Judaica

As tonight’s latkes were finishing frying, I looked down and saw my kids playing with their duplo blocks. And not just playing, but creating some awesome Hanukkah Judaica: a duplo block Hanukkiah. It was awesome! And it became our centerpiece for the 5th night celebrations. Seeing them create this Hanukkiah, and have such pleasure in …

How to Make Thanksgiving Shabbat Candle Holders

How To Make Thanksgiving Shabbat Candle Holders

I love adding Jewish elements to our Thanksgiving celebration (and to any aspect of daily life when the connection is authentic). It’s not hard to find Jewish connections to gratitude and giving thanks. In addition to conversations and activities on Jewish and Thanksgiving values, my children will welcome the Shabbat following Thanksgiving with this sweet and …