Yesterday I had a beautiful experience where so many magical moments came together and I was able to sit down and get to work on something that was very important to me: capturing my memories of this past Hanukkah (and planning for the next!) with my Hanukkah 2018 Reflection bullet journal sample template!

We are now a couple days past Hanukkah, the exhaustion is receding, and I’m finally ready to get back on track with my regular life. With this little burst of energy and motivation, I made sure to not let this most recent Hanukkah and all its memories and experiences fade away.
Because I’m perpetually sleep-deprived, I need to write down my thoughts in order to remember them. This is why a bullet journal is such a good tool for me! Not only for the basics like to-do lists and maybe some dreams and wishes lists, but for reflection. I use bullet journaling to capture thoughts and evaluations about my lesson plans so I thought it would be a good idea to use it to reflect on my holidays as well! I created a sample template for my Hanukkah 2018 Reflection process. Take a peek and jot down some memories before you forget the love and light that was your Hanukkah!
The Setting
I sat down at my kitchen table yesterday to start brainstorming and reflecting on the last holiday week. It was a cold and blustery day (well, for us Northern Californians who live in the Valley. It’s definitely no snow day here!), the kids were home from school and happily playing, so I brewed a cup of my favorite Republic of Tea (oh aren’t they just so delicious?!) and got to work. And the kids continued playing. Do you see those cute little hands working on a puzzle together? It was amazing!

When I thought about what I wanted to remember about this last Hanukkah it was mostly tools that would help me prepare for the next Hanukkah! After all, I am a (obsessive maybe?) planner. But again, if I don’t write it down, I probably won’t remember. So here it all is, tucked away in my special bullet journal, easily accessible for next Hanukkah when I am preparing our calendar, activities and menu.
Favorite Memories
The first section of this bullet journal entry had to be about Favorite Memories of the holiday. After all, having favorite memories about a holiday is the most special part after the holiday has finished. The sample template I created has spots for three favorite memories. My journal is small so there’s not a ton of space for long lists, but my goodness, if you have more special memories, how lovely to write them down!
The great part about bullet journals is that you can index the page and so easily go back to it when you want to glance at your notes. In this case, it will be so nice to easily flip open to your reflection page and remember some special experiences of the holiday. I plan to share some of these memories at the dinner table. I want my children to also share positive thoughts about the holiday.
New Things to Try in 2019
The next section of the bullet journal template is New Things to Try in the next year, because there’s always something new to try … and by the time the next Hanukkah rolls around, yep, you’ve got it, I will have forgotten if I haven’t written it down! I made sure to put “Book Night” on the list because this was a specific request from my oldest. He actually asked for it for the last night of Hanukkah but life intervened: exhaustion + a broken hand scare (thankfully, just a bad sprain he got during his Sunday School class Hanukkah gymnastics party but oy what a way to finish the holiday!) changed our plans. We snuggled on the couch for a second movie night. Yep, we lit the candles, then ate our latkes on the couch. Naughty Ima, but boy did it feel good!
Things to Remember
The Things to Remember bullet journal section could be about anything that struck you from the holiday. For me, it was our missteps … our Craft Night was a bust (but I think we can still salvage the idea if I do some better prep and have more craft options available for each child next year).
There was also just way too much going on that week. We had a lovely holiday but we were wiped! How can we change this for next year? Would love some ideas if you parents out there have any! We’re thinking of maybe only going to one celebration at the synagogue during the week. That means we could have a quieter night at home (maybe with that Book Night!) and we could get everyone to bed at a reasonable time. Because I think that was the hardest part of the week. Everyone was just so so tired!
Another note I made to myself was to prep some food ahead of time. I’m thinking maybe I could make some soups the week or two before and freeze them (not my normal course of action, but I have to find a better balance somehow!).
Final To-Do List
I also included a Final To-Do List in this bullet journal entry because I am just to-do list obsessed. And once they are done you get to check off the box. Doesn’t that feel so good? Now to actually write all the thank you cards, fix all our broken Hanukkiyot, and organize the Hanukkah storage bin … it will happen sometime this week (or month?!) right?
2018 Quote
And finally, what bullet journal page would be complete without a sweet little Hanukkah quote: “A little more fun, a little more love, a little more light every night–that’s the joy of Hanukkah.” I love this quote and it’s so true. That was my goal for this Hanukkah and it will remain my goal for future ones: the joy of the holiday comes from fun, love, and light!
Putting It Together and Loving It

Enjoy using this bullet journal sample template to capture your reflections from the holiday. Making memories as a family is so very important. Taking the time to drink a cup of tea and jot down these thoughts is pretty important for us busy parents too. You’ll benefit from the process now (it’s kind of like a mini-gratitude practice if you think of it that way!) and for when you plan your holiday next year!
I hope your Hanukkah was filled with light and love (yes, and lots of fun too!).

What reflections would you jot down in a bullet journal about your Hanukkah? Do you keep track of the experiences–good and bad? And are you obsessed with bullet journaling or do you somehow remember all these things in your head (because if so, I want to know what tea you’re drinking!)?