All four of my kids had such a great time playing with our Release the 10 Plagues Sensory Activity! I had such a great time watching them have fun and learn about the ten plagues at the same time! And, of course, any sensory play is a wonderful tactile experience that we all enjoyed (especially on a hot spring day!).

What You’ll Need
- 10 plagues figurines that can get wet (use however many you can find, it’s ok if you don’t have representation for all 10!)
- Water
- Silicone mold
- Containers
- Pipettes
- Food coloring (optional)
- Sensory bin
Putting It Together
- Place your ten plagues figurines throughout your silicone mold. Our mini bread mold worked perfectly to include a few plagues at a time.
- Fill the mold with water.
- Freeze overnight.
- Take out the frozen plague pieces and place in a sensory bin.
- Fill containers with water, and if desired, food coloring. We used three containers each with a primary color added so we could discuss color mixing.
- Invite your child to use a pipette to transfer water from the container to the plague ice molds.
- Talk about the ten plagues and how each figurine you chose represents one of the plagues.

Finished & Loving It!
We love all kinds of sensory play and melting ice play is no different! The kids loved transferring the water to release the 10 plagues! They were so excited as the ice started to melt and in some cases break apart to reveal the plague figurines.

This activity was a great way for the kids to practice their fine motor skills by using the pipette, learn about color mixing with the colored water, enjoy a refreshing sensory experience while playing outside and of course expose them to and help them review the ten plagues!

You could easily extend this activity by talking about the science involved, reading a favorite Passover book that talks about the plagues (we love this one!) or doing additional plague activities, like our 10 Plagues Counting Cards (part of our Passover Activity Bundle). The more exposure and review your child will get about the ten plagues will better prepare them for helping to retell that part of the Passover story during your Seder!

We have a whole page dedicated to Passover, our Passover Hub. Check it out! It will include some of the Passover activities we do this year, as well as the activities we’ve done in previous years.
And don’t forget our Passover Activity Bundle, full of fun learning experiences for the holiday!
Check out our recommended Passover books from our Shop!
The following sites are amazing resources for learning more about this beautiful holiday:
Chag Sameach!!
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