Tu B'Shevat Flower Threading

Tu B’Shevat Flower Threading

Even though it is currently cold where we live and there are not new blossoms blooming, in Israel Tu B’Shevat marks the start of the spring season of nature blossoming and it’s always lovely to incorporate some bright and beautiful nature activities in our Tu B’Shevat learning, such as this Tu B’Shevat Flower Threading activity. …

Two Ways to Create Tu B'Shevat Resist Art Murals

Two Ways to Create Tu B’Shevat Resist Art Murals

This week we worked on Two Ways to Create Tu B’Shevat Resist Art Murals. Our first one was a tape resist mural focused on the Seven Species, the special foods that you eat during Tu B’Shevat seder. We fell in love with tape resist art after seeing Busy Toddler post her amazing Thanksgiving mural. We …