Find and Count Queen Esther's Gems Sensory Bin

Find and Count Queen Esther’s Gems Sensory Bin

If you’re looking for a simple sensory bin that encourages conversations about Purim and practices some math skills, this Find and Count Queen Esther’s Gems Sensory Bin is for you! We love including sensory invitations for all kinds of themes so of course it makes sense to add one (just kidding, we did multiple this …

Kid-Made Mishloach Manot in 3 Easy Steps cover

Kid-Made Mishloach Manot in 3 Easy Steps

Mishloach Manot is an important part of Purim and I love having my kids 100% involved in creating and delivering our Purim baskets so I hope our Kid-Made Mishloach Manot in 3 Easy Steps helps inspire you to have a simple, fun and meaningful kid-involved Mishloach Manot experience! Step 1: The Container You have lots …

Hamantaschen Lego Prints

Hamantaschen Lego Prints

These Hamantaschen Lego Prints are another super simple Purim craft that combines a familiar (and beloved!) Purim symbol with some simple process art! Kids are exposed to one of the favorite treats of Purim (pair with your favorite book all about hamantaschen, like our favorite The Better Than Best Purim!) while practicing fine motor skills, …