Rosh Hashanah Honey Playdough Loose Parts Play

Today was the perfect day for some easy, calming, sensory-pleasing Rosh Hashanah playdough play with our Rosh Hashanah Loose Parts Play, a new honey playdough recipe, and our Rosh Hashanah playdough mats we’ve used in previous years. What You’ll Need Putting It Together Finished & Loving It! Playdough is such a great activity for Rosh …

Honeycomb and Bees Playdough Stamping

Rosh Hashanah DIY Honeycomb and Bees Playdough Stamping

A super easy, fun, and delicious-smelling Rosh Hashanah activity is Rosh Hashanah DIY Honeycomb and Bees Playdough Stamping! With Rosh Hashanah just under a month away that means we are excited to start engaging in High Holiday crafts and activities so that the kids can have fun learning through play 🤗  This morning we started …