This summer I’m all about simple, easy and meaningful activities which was why this Wheat Threading activity was so perfect for our Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors Torah story learning this week. Monday we introduced the story with our Joseph’s Coat of Many Colors 3 Part Cards. Then yesterday we created our own coats of many colors with a nature twist. Today we focused on Joseph’s dream about the sheaves of wheat. My middles enjoyed having some quiet time to do this simple activity and think about Joseph’s dream at the same time.

Wheat of course features a ton in the Torah and in Jewish holidays. This activity would work well for Shavuot and any harvest celebrations too!
What You’ll Need
- Wheat Threading free printable
- Cardstock
- Scissors
- Hole punch
- Gold ribbon
- Tape
Putting It Together
- Print out the Wheat Threading free printable on cardstock.
- Cut around both wheat images.
- Use a hole punch to punch a hole at the top and bottom of every leaf. You may need to fold your paper and carefully slide the hole punch in to be able to cut the inner parts of the leaves.
- Cut a piece of gold ribbon
- Roll the end of the ribbon and wrap tape around it to make a point.
- Invite your child to thread the wheat. They should start from underneath, going through the lower hole on each leaf then to the upper hole on each leaf, making their way around the wheat stalk.
Finished & Loving It!
This was such a great midday activity. The kids were ready for a calming activity and they sat and threaded peacefully. My preschooler needed some support at times to help untwist and point out where the ribbon got tied up. But otherwise, both of them worked independently.

They also both loved the shiny gold ribbon. It made me think I should start buying some ribbon to have around for planned and spontaneous crafts and activities. The texture of the ribbon was pleasing and it was also such a great fine motor skill, hand-eye coordination, and concentration activity.

I love that we started back on our Torah story learning this summer (after a VERY long break filled with Jewish holiday learning!) and I look forward to lots of opportunities for simple, meaningful learning through play experiences!

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[…] these cards can always be jumping off points for extension activities and exploration. In the past we’ve done activities that focus on wheat which would be so applicable here. Activities on love, friendship and family would also be […]