This afternoon we created our A Tree in Every Season Art Panels for Tu B’Shevat and they are awesome!
What You’ll Need
- A Tree in Every Season Art Panels printable
- Cardstock
- Paint sticks, brown and green
- Glue
- Pink sprinkles
- Green construction paper
- Q-tips
- Rubber bands
- Orange, yellow, and red paint
- Watercolors
- Paintbrush
- Salt
Putting It Together
- Print out the A Tree in Every Season Art Panels template on cardstock.
2. Talk about how trees change with each season and what the trees look like in each season.
3. We then created a tree for each season, one season at a time.
4. For Spring, we used paint sticks to first paint the tree trunk. For the crown the kids painted with a green paint stick then used glue and pink sprinkles to create blossoms. You could easily use regular paint, crayons, or colored pencils. Other ideas for the blossoms might be tissue paper, construction paper (hole punched or cut out), or mini cupcake liners.

5. For Summer, we used the paint sticks again to paint the trunk then tore green paper to make the crown. Tissue paper would make a wonderful crown as well!

6. For Fall, I gathered a chunk of q-tips together with a rubber band and they stamped these in the different colors to make those beautiful fall leaves. They once again used the paint stick to make the trunk.

7. For Winter, we used watercolors then sprinkled salt over the paint to create a snowy (or frosty) tree, with a few snowy friends.

8. I had the older kids write down thoughts they had about trees in each season in the margin of the panels.
9. Let the A Tree in Every Season Art Panels dry then hang on your wall for a wonderful reminder of how trees change throughout the year!

Finished & Loving It!
We started our A Tree in Every Season Art Panels in Spring since that’s when Tu B’Shevat takes place in Israel. Before we began we talked about how trees change with the each season and how it might affect the world around it. We focused on deciduous trees since those have leaves that visibly change with the seasons but you’ll see the oldest really wanted an evergreen for his winter art 🤷♀️ The kids jotted down these ideas in the margin of each season which I love as another opportunity to learn through art.

Each season used a different method to create the tree and of course you can use whatever you want; we used what we had and I think each tree is unique and beautiful and the kids really enjoyed using a different process each time.
Seeing the A Tree in Every Season Art Panels on our wall totally fills me with joy!
Check our Tu B’Shevat Round Up 2021 page (or better yet, subscribe so you won’t ever miss a new post!) to learn more about this year’s activities as they are posted. Or, follow us on Instagram for more timely updates!
If want to get started preparing for Tu B’Shevat in hands-on and fun ways, check out our posts from previous years:
8 Easy Ways to Celebrate Tu B’Shevat With Your Kids
Tu B’Shevat Thank You to the Trees Challenge
Parsley Planting: A Tu B’Shevat Tradition
15 Minute Tu B’Shevat Lesson Plan
Taste the Foods of Tu B’Shevat Spinner Activity
And the following sites are amazing resources for learning more about this beautiful holiday:
Chag Sameach!!
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