My eight-year-old daughter and I made these Rosh Hashanah Beehive Candleholders and I love them! This DIY only took about 15 minutes to make and cost less than $5! And, it captures a fun and sweet symbol of the New Year holiday. Such a total win! I love seeing these Beehive Candleholders on our High Holiday Shelfie and I can’t wait for them to be part of our Rosh Hashanah seder table in just a month!

What You’ll Need
- Two wineglasses (I bought ours from Dollar Tree)
- Thick twine or twine-looking tubing (also from Dollar Tree)
- Black Felt
- Scissors
- Glue gun
- 2 votive candles

Putting It Together
- Glue the beginning of your twine or tubing to the open part of the wineglass, right at the rim.
- Continuing wrapping the tubing around the wineglass, gluing as necessary as you go.
- Continue to the base of the stem of the wineglass. Glue tubing around the edge of the base as well as the circle on the actual base.
- Cut a circle from the black felt; glue to the front of the wineglass.
- Glue tubing around the black felt circle.
- Flip over so the rim of the wineglass is now the bottom of the candleholder and the base of the wineglass is the top and provides a base for the candles.
- Place a votive candle on the circular base of each candleholder.
Finished & Loving It!
My daughter was excited to help out with this craft. Working together, and using lots of glue, the whole project took us about 15 minutes. I couldn’t believe how quick it came together!

We placed the Beehive Candleholders on our High Holiday Shelfie but my daughter already asked for more supplies so she can make her own to play with. I love how much she fell in love with the craft and also her amazing imagination and creativity that she is already envisioning lots of play possibilities.

For us, these will serve as a High Holiday decoration, reminding us of bees and honey. Honey is a traditional symbolic Rosh Hashanah food. It reminds us to have a sweet new year. Once we set the table for our Rosh Hashanah seder I will happily add these to the table and light our holiday candles, bringing the new year into existence with lots of hopes and wishes for a sweet (and beautiful!) new year!

We have a whole page dedicated to the High Holidays, our High Holidays Hub. Check it out! It includes some of the High Holidays activities we do this year, as well as the activities we’ve done in previous years.
And don’t forget our Rosh Hashanah Montessori-Style 3 Part Cards, our Yom Kippur Montessori-Style 3 Part Cards, or the High Holidays Montessori-Style 3 Part Card Bundle, all a wonderful way to introduce High Holidays!
The following sites are amazing resources for learning more about this holiday:
Chag Sameach!!
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