No Shabbatsaurus, our dinosaur-themed Shabbat, would be complete without dinosaur kiddush cups! These super cute Dinosaur Thumbprint Kiddush Cups are easy to make and are the sweetest way to capture your child’s thumbprint forever–and dino-style, what could be better?!

You could also make these cups for everyday use for your dinosaur lover.
My kiddos raised their kiddush cups proudly and were so happy to have special cups with their individual mark on them AND were covered with dinosaurs.
What You’ll Need
- Glass (or clear plastic) cup, goblet, or glass. We got our goblets from Dollar Tree. They were huge and the kids adored them!
- Acrylic
or special glass paint in whatever color(s) you desire
- Paint brush
- Black Sharpie

Putting It Together
1.Wash your cup. If you need some help taking off those support sticky price tags, check out the easy method I used in my Thanksgiving Shabbat Candle Holders craft.
2. Squeeze your acrylic or glass paint(s) onto a paint palette or paper plate (we always use paper plates for this. Or cut cardboard. We are not picky!).
3. Paint your child’s thumb in their desired color.
4. Press the thumb against the cup horizontally to make the dinosaur’s head.

5. Repaint the thumb, then press it vertically below the dinosaur’s head to make the body. So the thumbprints are in the shape of a seven. Obviously, it does not need to be perfect. At all!

You can switch colors and the direction the head faces. Make as many dinosaur thumbprints as you’d like.
My daughter wanted to make a ton. She made some bigger ones and some smaller ones. Obviously, she didn’t stick to a basic thumbprint. She smooshed her thumb around to make the bigger ones. For the smaller ones, she only used part of her thumb. All results were adorable.
6. Wait until the paint dries. Bleh. I hate waiting. And so do my kids. Luckily our acrylic paints did not take long to dry, especially because they were only thumbprints and not a lot of paint.
7. Once dry, use a sharpie and draw a dot for the dinosaur’s eye. We made the dinosaur’s mouth with crooked lines. We also added short little arms near the top of the vertical prints (yes, they are T-Rexes!). Add legs to the bottom of the vertical prints. Then a short tail to complete the dino look!

8. Let the sharpie dry completely and your special Dinosaur Kiddush Cups are ready to use!
Finished and Loving It!

These Dinosaur Kiddush Cups were so easy to make. And the kids did all the work! I helped a little bit with the thumb painting but otherwise, another lovely kid-made craft. They adored seeing their thumbprints memorialized, and turned into dinosaurs! I absolutely love capturing their tiny, sweet thumbprints as well.
During our Shabbatasaurus, our dinosaur-themed Shabbat, the kids raised their kiddush cups and loved seeing these dinosaurs come to life! It was a beautiful and fun way to celebrate the first Shabbat of the new year.
Check out my post all about creating a dinosaur-themed Shabbat, Shabbatasaurus, based on the sweet song, “Dinosaur on Shabbat!”

Are you a fan of thumbprint crafts? What about making special Shabbat-themed ritual items?
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