My recycled-Purim craft obsession continues with these easy and fun Purim Egg Carton Groggers! I’ve enjoyed using recycled materials in multiple Purim crafts this year and these groggers are another example of how simple reusing materials can be. It’s a great way to practice ba’al tashchit, do not be wasteful, while having fun making a festive craft!

These groggers are the perfect size for little hands and are a great addition to anyone’s Purim celebration! Save your egg cartons next time you buy eggs and enjoy!
What You’ll Need
- Egg carton
- Scissors
- Paint
- Paintbrush
- Glue gun
- Decorative materials (optional, think jewels, glitter, mini pom poms)
- Filler: beads, beans, dried pasta, lentils, rice
Putting It Together
- Cut the egg cartons so you have individual cups, two per person.
- Invite your child to decorate the outside of their egg carton cups. We painted ours. You could do that and let them dry, then add decorative materials such as glitter, jewels, or mini pom poms. Or skip the paint and just add whatever decorative materials you have around the house. My kiddos chose not to add any additional decorations other than the paint (some of it was glitter paint, fun!).
- Once dry, fill one cup with some filler of your choice. It does not need to be a lot of filler, just enough to move around and make noise.
- We sealed our groggers with glue gun around the edges and fit the two egg carton cups together, sealing any gaps with more glue gun. I liked this method because it allowed the groggers to be fully visible, but you could also attach and seal by using decorative tape and wrap it around any openings. Some cute washi tape could be a lot of fun and a festive decoration!
- Once everything is dry and sealed, enjoy shake shake shaking your grogger!
- Shake for fun, in a parade, or while you read your favorite Purim book!
Finished & Loving It!
We have lots of groggers planned for this Purim and that’s ok–the kids continue to enjoy creating and shaking every version that they make! I love how this version uses recycled materials. It’s easy to save the egg cartons after you purchase eggs. It feels good to reuse this material is a new, fun way. And the little egg carton cups actually fit pretty well together!

I always enjoy letting my kids have an open invitation to paint. They choose the colors and whatever design they want. It’s fun to observe the differences. The young preschooler mixed all the colors together and slapped them on. The kindergartener chose different colors and precisely dotted his egg cartons. And the third grader carefully painted each of her egg carton cups a different color and also used some of the glitter paint for a festive look!

For these groggers I also left the choice of filler up to the kids. We’ve worked with rice, beans and small rocks so far this year. My daughter chose the perler beads. They make a really great sound!

Whatever decoration or filler you choose, these Egg Carton Groggers will be the perfect (and simple and fun!) addition to your Purim celebration–in your home or even in the classroom!

Chag Purim Sameach!
We have a whole page dedicated to Purim, our Purim Hub. Check it out! It includes some of the Purim activities we plan to do this year, as well as the activities we’ve done in previous years.

And don’t forget our Purim Montessori-Style 3 Part Cards, a wonderful way to introduce Purim! And, now we also have all 13 Jewish holidays bundled together in A Year of Jewish Holidays 3 Part Cards.

If you want to have a ton of Purim early learner activities ready at your fingertips, try our Purim Activities Packet for Early Learners! I am so excited about all the Purim-themed literacy, fine motor skills, math, and play fun!

The following sites are amazing resources for learning more about this holiday:
Chag Sameach!
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[…] also saved our egg carton groggers from last year because they are such a fun and easy way to make groggers and the kids really love […]