My kids love making groggers for Purim and I love changing up the kind we make each year so this year we had fun making Grogger Process Art! This activity combined process art with the creation of a (temporary) grogger. My kids loved making it, shaking it, then seeing their artwork revealed. Read your favorite Purim book and listen to all the booing and shaking then hang up their art afterward! Perfect!!

What You’ll Need
- Empty boxes that can be taped closed. They can’t be too big because the kids need to be able to hold and shake them
- Paint
- Boo Haman Grogger printable
- Marble, small ball or round beads
- Tape
Putting It Together
- Decorate the outside of your box. We used paint sticks because we didn’t want to wait a long time for our boxes to dry before using them as groggers. But you could use traditional paint (or crayons, markers, whatever!) and then come back to the activity later.
- Place a Boo Haman Grogger printable inside the box.
- Squirt a little paint onto the printable.
- Toss in a marble, ball or bead.
- Tape the box closed (not too securely, just enough for it not to spring open when shaken).
- Invite your child to shake the box grogger and boo to Haman’s name. Bonus points for reading a Purim story that includes Haman’s name in it!
- Open the box and take out the Boo Haman Grogger printable. Let it dry and then it can be a fun Purim decoration!
Finished & Loving It!
Oh my gosh, my kids had so much fun with this Grogger Process Art! Most kids love making and shaking groggers (although if you have a noise sensitive or an easily overstimulated child, this activity probably won’t work for them). Mine had a blast listening to the ball roll around as they danced, booed and shook while I read one of our favorite Purim story books. Have you read the book Esther Didn’t Dream of Being Queen? It’s a good one and it includes Haman’s name, of course!

The paint sticks made decorating the outside of the box super easy and extended the art part of the activity. We love paint sticks!

When we opened the box grogger to reveal the painted printable the kids were so excited to see what it looked like. Just look at this guy’s face! I love that look of surprise, excitement and joy.

And of course everyone’s was different and each person’s was different each time they did it! That’s one of the beautiful things about process art–there’s no right way, or “finished product.” It’s whatever you want it to be, and the art journey that is important.

This Grogger Process Art was such a fun process art exploration, sound sensory enjoyment, an unique Purim decoration and a fun way to perform this Purim tradition!!

We also have an entire Purim Activity Bundle ready for your Purim learning and exploration fun! Check it out in the With Love, Ima Shop or on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Check out our recommended Purim books from our Shop!
The following sites are amazing resources for learning more about this beautiful holiday:
Chag Sameach!!
Looking for delicious Mishloach Manot ideas? Check out! So many nuts, dried fruit, and sweets. YUM!
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[…] or copies of the many decorated printouts like the Hamantaschen Lego Prints from this year and the Grogger Process Art printouts from last year would totally work and be a fun and easy […]