Yom Ha’atzmaut Torch Craft & Loose Parts Fireworks
Arts, Crafts & Sensory Jewish Holidays

Yom Ha’atzmaut Torch Craft & Loose Parts Fireworks

In Israel Yom Ha’atzmaut kicks off with a special torch lighting then a fireworks show so I thought we’d do our hands-on kid-friendly version with a Kick Off Yom Ha’atzmaut Torch Craft & Loose Parts Fireworks! Both set ups are easy and fun and are a simple way of learning more about how this holiday …

Yom Ha’atzmaut Shelfie + Starter Activities
Arts, Crafts & Sensory Jewish Holidays

Yom Ha’atzmaut Shelfie + Starter Activities

With Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day, coming up in a little over a week, it was the perfect time to set up our Yom Ha’atzmaut Shelfie + Starter Activities! The kids helped me create many of the activities and decorations that we displayed and explored. Yom HaAtzmaut (can be spelled either way!) is such a …