My family is currently obsessed with games we can play together and we want to share our current favorites with you! These games are all ones we received for the recent holiday (plus some bonus favorites we’ve had for awhile!) and we LOVE them! If you are still looking for some great gifts that your …
The December Dilemma: Jewish Kids & Christmas
It’s December … the month my Jewish kids feel like outsiders. We are already deep into the talk of being the other, of not celebrating Christmas, of not hanging lights on our house, of not singing songs or reading books about Santa or reindeer. So many nots! Of course my kids aren’t alone, many families …
Hanukkah Reflection Bullet Journal
Yesterday I had a beautiful experience where so many magical moments came together and I was able to sit down and get to work on something that was very important to me: capturing my memories of this past Hanukkah (and planning for the next!) with my Hanukkah 2018 Reflection bullet journal sample template! We are now …
How to Make a Hanukkah I Spy Bottle
Hanukkah’s almost over but last night I quickly put together a fun little activity for my youngest: a Hanukkah I Spy Bottle. It was easy and quick to make, has some traditional Hanukkah symbols so it can function as an educational reminder of the holiday, and it makes a really cool sound when you shake …
The Joys of Turning Everyday Objects Into Judaica
As tonight’s latkes were finishing frying, I looked down and saw my kids playing with their duplo blocks. And not just playing, but creating some awesome Hanukkah Judaica: a duplo block Hanukkiah. It was awesome! And it became our centerpiece for the 5th night celebrations. Seeing them create this Hanukkiah, and have such pleasure in …
Easy, Educational & Fun Hanukkah Classroom Party
With a bunch of five to seven year olds I knew I needed a fun, but easy Hanukkah party for my classroom to celebrate the holiday this year. And because I’m their teacher, it also had to be educational and meaningful. I came up with the following plan and we all had a great time! …
Hanukkah Mixed Media Collage
The kids (both at home and in my classroom!) made a new Hanukkah decoration this year: Hanukkah Mixed Media Collages! We all know making artwork for the holidays is always a fun way to review the holiday story, share traditions or symbols of the holiday, and make a nice decoration for your house. Using different …
How To Make A Hanukkah Book Box
Hanukkah is here and we are so happy to celebrate the holiday by doing one of our favorite activities: reading fun holiday books! We read a ton of books in our house and are forever grateful to PJ Library for sending us new Jewish-themed books every month. I like to pull out the holiday books …
How to Make a Tabletop Hanukkah Sensory Bin
Hanukkah + sensory bin = a fabulously fun and educational activity for your little (and not so little) ones! This is the perfect activity for when you’re frying latkes, rolling your rugelach, or even just for fun in the week of and leading up to Hanukkah. It’s also super easy to make, can be used …
Create Your Hanukkah 2018 Family-Focus Plan!
In the past I’ve been overwhelmed by the Hanukkah week, even though it remains one of my favorite holidays. But last year I got my act together and we shifted some of the chaos away from nightly presents to nightly family-focused activities. These were activities that we chose together and did together. And we found …