This Purim Themed Sticky Wall is the perfect fun, meaningful, and sensory-filled activity to prepare your children for the holiday of Purim! It’s super quick to make, can have various levels of kid-involvement in its creation, and can entertain those kiddos (from little toddlers even up to those big elementary school kids!) for a pretty long time. Use it to tell the Purim story, or just to get your kids familiar with the symbols of this fun holiday.

What You’ll Need
- Contact Paper
- Painters Tape
- Purim images
- Crayons
, markers
, colored pencils
- Scissors
Putting It Together
1.Print out your Purim images. We used our Purim Paper Doll Characters from our last week’s Purim activity (yay themed sensory bins!). You can print out these paper dolls from Beyond the Balagan as either coloring pages (what we do each year) or pre-colored (perfect for when you don’t want to deal with the coloring step!). I then printed out additional coloring pages of Purim symbols–hamantaschen, groggers, masks, crowns, scroll of Esther, etc. My kids love to color and ask for coloring pages EVERY DAY. So for me this was the perfect way to combine their love of coloring with preparing for this activity. But if you have super young kids, or kids that just aren’t that into coloring, you can easily find some Purim images on Google that you can just print out already colored in!

2. Cut out your images. It doesn’t have to be perfect!

3. Carefully place your cut images on the sticky side of a piece of contact paper. Either fold your contact paper over the image or place a second sheet on top to sandwich the images between the sticky sides of the contact paper. Smooth out. Again, totally doesn’t have to be perfect, at least in this house!

4. Cut out your now “laminated” images.

5. Tape a large square of contact paper, sticky side out, to a wall with painter’s tape.
6. Bring out the Purim images and let your children stick them on the sticky contact paper. Because they are “laminated”, the kids can move these images around and play again and again!

Finished and Loving It!
This Purim Themed Sticky Wall was so easy to make. Once I set out the “laminated” images, all three kids pounced on them and quickly added them to the wall.

The older two talked about the different characters and told bits of the story as they played with them–total Jewish mom win!!

The two year old just loved moving the Purim symbols around. And touching the sticky paper. He really liked that! Yay for easy sensory experiences!

This Purim Themed Sticky Wall is such a simple idea, but it can have a big impact. It gives all ages of kids the opportunity to play with Purim symbols, reviewing these symbols if they’ve already been introduced to them, or having fun with these symbols if it’s their first introduction. By using the Purim Paper Doll Characters, your kiddos will also have the chance to tell the Purim story, which is such an important part of learning–repetition but here, it’s in a fun and playful way! Perfect!
Looking for fun ways to celebrate and teach about Purim? Check out our other Purim crafts and activities:
“Boo Haman!” Fine Motor Skills Activity
Purim Character Clothespin Dolls
Want more information about Purim? Check out the resources below. You can also follow my Purim board on Pinterest for lots of craft and activity ideas!
My Jewish Learning’s Purim Page
What ways do you get your children inspired and interested in Purim?
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