No Shabbatasaurus, a dinosaur-themed Shabbat, would be complete without a very special Shabbatasaurus Challah Platter! This challah platter is dino-fabulous and also captures your kiddos’ handprints. I’m a total sucker for handprint (and thumbprint and footprint!) crafts. It’s 99.9% kid-made and 110% kid-approved!

What You’ll Need
- Platter
or plate. Check that your plate can go in the oven! We got ours at Dollar Tree (of course ;-))
- Acrylic paints
in desired color(s)
- Paint brush
- Black Sharpie
Putting It Together
1.Wash your platter. If you need some help taking off those support sticky price tags, check out the easy method I used in my Thanksgiving Shabbat Candle Holders craft.
2. Squeeze your acrylic or glass paint(s) onto a paint palette or paper plate.
3. Paint your child’s hand. They will probably need help with this. Hence, the 99.9% kid-made statistic 🙂

4. Gently press the hand onto the plate. Different positions of the fingers will make different dinosaurs. You’ll want the child’s four fingers mostly vertical and parallel to represent the four legs of the dinosaur. The thumb can be straight out, perpendicular to the legs. Or it can reach up to make a long-necked dinosaur.

5. Paint the tail. If your kid is like my oldest, he’ll want to research the different dinosaurs in his books (or in his head, this kid remembers facts like crazy!). But if your child doesn’t care, you can make your tail and the neck, if needed, however you want. Thank you two-year old for not caring if your handprint dinosaur is not anatomically correct!
6. Repeat the process for however many kids you have. Or they can each make their own plate or platter!
7. Let the paint dry. I know, a big boo. It’s hard to wait for paint to dry. But if you didn’t go crazy with the paint, it shouldn’t take too long.
8. Once the paint is dry, use the sharpie to draw the eyes, mouth and any other dinosaur characteristics. My son drew a sail on his dinosaur. I helped my youngest (the two-year old) draw little triangles on the top of his dino’s back and tail.

9. We also used a sharpie to write our Shabbat message, Shabbat Shadino (Shabbat Shalom dinosaur style)! I also wrote the date because I love knowing when these little handprints took place.
10. You can then bake your plate for 20 minutes in a 350 degree oven to have all the artwork set. Let cool completely, then enjoy!
Finished and Loving It!

Squee! Handprint crafts are the absolute cutest! The kids loved seeing their handprints come to life as different types of dinosaurs. This craft was easy, fun, and super cute. And what a great memory!
We lovingly placed our special dinosaur shaped challah on this platter and that made the entire night even more special. And after Shabbat we displayed the platter on our mantle. We all love looking at it, remembering the fun of that night, and our dinosaur love.
You can make your dinosaur handprint platter or plate for any special occasion, or just because! Any way you do it, the whole family will love making and using it!
Check out my post all about creating a dinosaur-themed Shabbat, Shabbatasaurus, based on the sweet song, “Dinosaur on Shabbat!”
What’s your favorite way to make dinosaurs? Can it be put on a platter for use for challah? Or just for fun?
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