Now that it’s November we are all about preparing for Thanksgivukkah in fun and meaningful ways and today we kicked off our learning by playing our Thankful Reading Bingo Challenge! We love starting our holiday learning with all these reading bingo challenges (the links to our other bingo challenges can be found at the bottom of this post!). Since it’s important for me to focus on gratitude, hoda’ah, recognizing the good, hakarat hatov, and thanks, todah, this month, I thought it would be fun to gather the books we have on this value and start our reading in this playful way!

What You’ll Need
- Thankful Reading Bingo Challenge free printable
- Your favorite books about gratitude and being thankful— Check out our favorites here or order directly through our shop on (supports independent bookstores, yay!)!
- Space Markers—pen/pencil/crayon, stickers, or whatever other marker you’d like to use.
Putting It Together
- Print out the Thankful Reading Bingo Challenge free printable.
- Start reading your books on gratitude and being thankful.
- Mark off each space as you come across that item in one of the books. To mark off the space, you can cross off the box, put a sticker on it or use whatever markers you want. Another decision you can make is whether the kids get to mark off multiple boxes from one book or if they can only mark off one box per book.
Finished & Loving It!
The kids are quite familiar with our reading bingo challenges by this point so they knew exactly what to do with the Thankful Reading Bingo Challenge and they enjoyed doing it! They grabbed a book, sat on the floor and got started reading and deciding which space they could mark off with each book (and sometimes with each page!).

Since we are also focusing on Hanukkah this month, we also printed our Hanukkah Reading Bingo Challenge from last year and they pulled books from our Hanukkah Book Box and started reading those as well.

You might also notice my first attempt at a shelfie! Thanksgivukkah themed of course 😉 I thought it would be nice to try to gather some of our activities for both these holidays and have them in one space where the kids could start exploring and playing. I look forward to adding more as the month goes on!

It was the perfect way to spend our afternoon–reading, learning, playing and being together!
Interested in our other reading bingo challenges? Pin or download now so you’re ready for when that holiday arrives!
High Holidays Reading Bingo Challenge
Sukkot Book Box and Sukkot Reading Bingo Challenge
Hanukkah Reading Bingo Challenge
Tu B’Shevat Reading Bingo Challenge
Passover Reading Bingo Challenge
I’ll be posting Hanukkah and gratitude activities and ideas all month long … but it often takes me awhile to get my activities up on the blog (too busy playing!). If you want to see what we’re doing in real time, check out our Instagram!
A few of our favorite quick Hanukkah references:
For some of our favorite Hanukkah books, take a look at our With Love, Ima Storefront (each purchase supports local bookstores!).
*This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link!*