You’ve probably noticed a theme with my Shavuot activities this year: I just can’t get enough of Mount Sinai and today’s new sensory tray, Us at Mount Sinai Posting Activity, focuses again on Mount Sinai and adds a fun fine motor skill posting challenge too!

What You’ll Need
- Mount Sinai: make it out of cardboard or with one of these lovely wooden triangles from Woodpeckers Crafts (Use WithLoveIma5 for a discount!). I use this mountain in so many sensory bins and small world play set ups.
- Egg cartons
- Green paint
- Paint brush
- Scissors
- Popsicle sticks but even better, these adorable Popsicle stick people from Woodpeckers Crafts. Aren’t they so much fun?!
- Markers or paint
- Sensory tray and filler (optional)
Putting It Together
- Paint your egg cartons green. Let dry.
- Have your kids decorate the popsicle sticks or popsicle stick people however they wish, with either markers or paint. We used permanent markers.
- Use scissors to cut a slit in the top of each egg carton.
- If using a sensory tray, set out and fill with the filler of your choice. The kids had so much fun with this fake flower filler in the 10 Commandments Search and Find Sensory Bin that I had to use it again and give them another chance to play and explore with it.
- Set up your Mount Sinai at the back and the green egg cartons in front.
- Lay out your popsicle stick people.
- Invite your children to add the Jewish people to the egg carton ground in front of Mount Sinai by sticking the sticks into the slits, receiving the Torah (and if using the fake flower filler, watching Mount Sinai erupt into blossoms once the Torah was received!).
Finished & Loving It!
I love simple set ups and this was another one. While I appreciate them any time of the year, the last few weeks of the school year necessitate making as many things as simple as possible!

Of course I still want meaningful (and fun!) learning to happen. Which is why simple sensory bins are so powerful. We talked about the idea of how all Jewish people were present at Mount Sinai when the Torah was received. We’ve talked about this a lot, and done numerous crafts with this concept in mind. A simple set up can allow you the time and environment to focus on these big themes. And the kids always enjoy the sensory bins, even if they are ones that were easier for us parents to put together!

I loved watching the kids create their own Jewish people. It felt like a whole community was instantly created as they brought these popsicle stick people to life!

Posting activities are so great for fine motor skills, concentration and focus development. Also coordination and problem solving if the posting is a little challenging. I make tons of DIY posting set ups because they are so easy for me to create and they practice these great skills. And the kids love them!

It’s so amazing to see the transformation that happens during this activity. It starts with the popsicle stick people just laying there, then the kids take them and stick them through the slits, creating a whole gathering of people! Such a powerful transformation! And boy are the kids proud when they make this happen! They create an imaginary Mount Sinai, filled with Jewish people receiving the Torah. This Us at Mount Sinai Posting Activity is such a beautiful and fun way to learn, explore, and imagine Shavuot!

Chag Sameach!
We have a whole page dedicated to Shavuot, our Shavuot Hub. Check it out! It includes some of the Shavuot activities we plan to do this year, as well as the activities we’ve done in previous years.

And don’t forget our Shavuot Montessori-Style 3 Part Cards, a wonderful way to introduce Shavuot! And, now we also have all 13 Jewish holidays bundled together in A Year of Jewish Holidays 3 Part Cards.

The following sites are amazing resources for learning more about this holiday:
Chag Sameach!
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