With less than one week until the holiday of Tu B’Shevat, it’s timely that today’s activity, Planting Kitchen Scraps in Mini Greenhouses, focused on repairing our world through helping nature and our environment. This activity is super easy to do, uses recycled materials, and teaches your child about Tu B’Shevat.

What You’ll Need
- Egg cartons
- Soil
- Kitchen scraps, whatever you have (ends of green onions, lemon seeds, peas, etc.)
- Plastic bag
Putting It Together

- Gather your kitchen scraps. We used green onions, date pits, garlic cloves, ginger root nubs, peas, fava beans, and lemon seeds.
- Put soil in each egg nook.
- Add a scrap or seed, cover with soil and water then carefully place in a plastic bag.
- Close the bag, put in a sunny place and watch those scraps turn into food you can eat!!

Finished & Loving It!

Planting Kitchen Scraps in Mini Greenhouses is such a simple activity that works for multiple ages AND it’s such a wonderful way to do tikkun olam by practicing bal tashchit (do not be wasteful). We are excited to watch our little gardens grow!

Using recycled items in activities is a great way to practice tikkun olam and have fun at the same time.

What kitchen scraps do you have around the house that you could turn into a garden for Tu B’Shevat?
Check our Tu B’Shevat Round Up 2021 page (or better yet, subscribe so you won’t ever miss a new post!) to learn more about this year’s activities as they are posted. Or, follow us on Instagram for more timely updates!
If want to get started preparing for Tu B’Shevat in hands-on and fun ways, check out our posts from previous years:
8 Easy Ways to Celebrate Tu B’Shevat With Your Kids
Tu B’Shevat Thank You to the Trees Challenge
Parsley Planting: A Tu B’Shevat Tradition
15 Minute Tu B’Shevat Lesson Plan
Taste the Foods of Tu B’Shevat Spinner Activity
And the following sites are amazing resources for learning more about this beautiful holiday:
Chag Sameach!!
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[…] Planting Kitchen Scraps in Mini Greenhouses for Tu B’Shevat […]