As many of us know, it feels especially hard to think about, let alone plan for, Hanukkah right now but I’m hoping this simple 2023 Family-Focused Hanukkah Planner may help all of us out!

One of our Hanukkah family traditions is having a special family-focused theme or activity for each night of Hanukkah and we can’t coordinate it without our 2023 Family-Focused Hanukkah Planner! I update this Hanukkah Planner each year so that I can map out the holiday for my family. It always includes the dates, our theme or activity for each night, our menu for each night, and the tzedakah focus for the year.

The 2023 Family-Focused Hanukkah Planner helps me plan ahead and make sure everything is ready for eight nights of family-focused activities and fun! The 2023 Family-Focused Hanukkah Planner is available as a free printable here. Enjoy!
Nightly Hanukkah Themes & Activities

Many Jewish families have their own traditions around giving, receiving and opening Hanukkah gifts. When my children were younger I wrote about our gift giving strategy in this post. It’s now changed as my children have gotten older. We still give eight gifts per child and one gift must be tzedakah that feels meaningful to them. We also make sure to gift an experience. The other gifts are themed or at least matching (books, art supplies, etc.) and are shared gifts, except for a special toy/video game that each child really wants.
Even though we are giving and opening lots of gifts, since so many of them are family gifts I feel like it still feels like a joyful communal experience. And I also think it’s nice to get something you’ve really been waiting for. There has been a special request for Tobots this year if anyone knows where I can find affordable ones! Amazon has let me down!

Game Night is a super important tradition for us. We of course do lots of dreidel! But we also enjoy family-fun games. It used to be a lot of Peaceable Kingdom cooperative games but as my children have grown, so has their taste in games evolved. We absolutely love Happy Salmon if anyone is looking for a high energy, tons of laughs game!

Our Mazel Tots program is throwing a Hanukkah Glow Party at the synagogue the Saturday night of Hanukkah. I may attend with my youngest but whether we go or not, I love the idea and plan to incorporate it for my own family. I think we should invite over some friends, crack those glow sticks and just have lots of fun. Should we make this a global experience? Let’s bring on the Hanukkah light in all kinds of forms!!

This is one of my favorite annual themes since it involves us all working together in the kitchen. The idea is to make a yummy treat together, eat some of it ourselves, then pack up the rest and give it to friends, teachers, and neighbors.
For the past few years we’ve made this absolutely delicious Hanukkah Party Mix by RinOutLoud. Not only does the party mix taste good, but it makes a really pretty gift. I may try something new this year. Any suggestions?

We love cuddling on the couch and watching movies together. Last year I made these popcorn balls with blue sprinkles to give them a Hanukkah twist!
This year I may try a new popcorn twist or just stick with the good old fashioned bowl. I also appreciate that I desperately need some easy and simple in my life right now.
But the most important question: what family movie should we watch this year? Please let me know your suggestions!

I have absolutely no ideas planned yet for the crafting part of this night but I know I can pull something together and the cuddles will be the absolute best.
Have a favorite Hanukkah craft we should try?
Here are some we’ve done in past years:
- Hanukkah Paint by Number Mural
- Hanukkah Tape Resist Art Activity + Decoration
- I Know An Old Lady Who Swallowed a Dreidel Retelling Craft
- Easiest Hanukkah DIY Platters
- Hanukkah Mixed Media Collage
- Hanukkah Essential Oil Clay Diffusers
- DIY Puffy Paint Donuts
- Dreidel Stamping
- Scented Nature Mason Jar Hanukkiah

More couch family snuggling, this time with our favorite PJ Library Hanukkah books (yes, found in our Hanukkah Book Box) and some yummy (homemade maybe?) ice cream!

Our final Hanukkah tradition is more couch family snuggles while watching an iMovie I’ve made of the calendar year. So incredibly special. Sometimes in the hustle and bustle you forget the joy and special experiences of the year. I love reviewing them together.

I am so looking forward to spending Hanukkah with my family. Bringing in more light and love and joy to this world. I hope you are too!
I’d love to hear your Hanukkah plans!
Chag Hanukkah Sameach!
We have a whole page dedicated to Hanukkah, our Hanukkah Hub. Check it out! It includes some of the Hanukkah activities we plan to do this year, as well as the activities we’ve done in previous years.
And don’t forget our Hanukkah Montessori-Style 3 Part Cards, a wonderful way to introduce Hanukkah! And, now we also have all 13 Jewish holidays bundled together in A Year of Jewish Holidays 3 Part Cards.
If you want to go full-on Hanukkah with your littles, you must try our Hanukkah Activities Packet for Early Learners! I am so excited about all the Hanukkah-themed literacy, fine motor skills, math, and play fun!

The following sites are amazing resources for learning more about this holiday:
Chag Sameach!
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