Passover commemorates the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and celebrates freedom. A Passover seder is the main ritual for this holiday and usually occurs on the first and/or second night. It is a festive meal that involves the retelling of the Passover story (fleeing Egypt) and features eating special foods, singing songs and reclining in a comfortable position. Most of the Passover learning and activity exploration my family does is about retelling the Passover story and exploring the current customs and traditions.
The Passover story is a pretty dark one. For the younger ages I don’t go into a lot of intense details about the sad parts of the story, but I do want my children to know the basics: Jews were slaves in Egypt, Moses is a main character of the story and ends up saving the Jewish people when he finally got the Pharaoh to “let his people go,” and now we celebrate this story of freedom by keeping kosher for Passover and having a Passover seder.
We have had such a wonderful time exploring this important holiday over the past years. I hope you find some inspiration for a fun and meaningful learning experience with your family!
2024 Passover Shelfie + Starter Activities
Torah Stories of Passover 3 Part Cards
The Burning Bush free printable template
Part the Red Sea Science Experiment
Roll, Count + Cover Passover Free Printable
Passover 2024 Seder Planner Free Printable
Passover 2024 Kids’ Activities Planner Free Printable

No Chametz Sign + Chametz Sweep
Playdough Matzah Making Station

2023 Passover Shelfie + Starter Activities
Passover Activities Packet for Early Learners
Passover 2023 Seder Planners–free printables!
DIY Kinetic Sand Small World Passover Play
Passover Seder Foods String Art
10 Plagues Sorting Sensory Bin
No Chametz Sign Free Printable

Passover Shelfie + Starter Activities
Release the 10 Plagues Sensory Activity
Parting the Red Sea Snipping Practice
Passover Story I Spy Sensory Bin
The Steps of the Passover Seder Handout (free printable)
Passover Playdough Loose Parts Plague Bags

Passover Matzah Playdough & Playdough Mats
Passover “Felt” Stories, Songs and Rhymes
Passover Reading Bingo Challenge
Passover Story Character Puppets
10 Plagues Passover Sticker Wall
Passover 10 Plague Playdough Fun
Passover Themed Bath: The 10 Plagues
Passover 2020 Kids’ Activities Planner Printable
Passover 2020 Seder Planner Printable
I Spy Passover Plague Activity
Passover Matzah Sensory Exploration Play Activity
Passover Fine Motor Skills Activity
Passover 10 Plagues Sticker Wall Activity
Passover 2019 Kids’ Activities Planner
Check out our recommended Passover books from our Bookshop.org Shop!
The following sites are amazing resources for learning more about this beautiful holiday:
Chag Sameach!!
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